The headless ghost of the Sand Patch Grade

The deserted Sand Patch Tunnel

The Sand Patch Grade is a famous 100-mile stretch of track through the Allegheny Mountains of Maryland and Pennsylvania. With its numerous abandoned tunnels (some abandoned as far back as 1912) and steep curves where many a careless track walker has met his gruesome demise at the hands of a smoke-belching locomotive, it is known for being a spooky place.

A locomotive heading up the Pennsylvania side of the Sand Patch Grade

In 1912-- the year the famous Sand Patch Tunnel was deserted-- three railroaders had a ghastly encounter with a headless apparition, according to the following article from the Oct. 17, 1912 edition of the Pittsburgh Daily Post.

 Perhaps the victim of a fatal encounter with a train? The wandering spirit of a railroader killed in a crash? Your guess is as good as ours.